About Dr. Mullan

Some people call Dr. Nancy Mullan the MTHFR genetic medicine expert.

Dr. Mullan works with people who are struggling with chronic disease or other significant illness, who are willing to use diet and genetics-based nutritional supplementation, and who want to increase wellbeing and energy, enhance immunity, lift mood, fine-tune genetic function, and get their lives back.

Dr. Mullan has a passion for precision and getting it right. She says, “Pharmaceutical symptom removal is not a solution, although it can be useful. The underlying cause of the problem needs to be addressed.” She further states, “Chronically ill people are desperate for symptom resolution. Their lives are devastated by disease processes, some of which are life-threatening. I want to offer them something better than mainstream solutions.” And she does this. Applying her understanding of Dr. Amy Yasko’s method, and carefully implementing the interventions suggested by biochemical testing, Dr. Mullan negotiates the labyrinth of chronic illness to finally get symptom resolution.

Dr. Mullan has studied at a number of exceptional institutions: the University of Pennsylvania, Tufts University School of Medicine, and the University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics. She excels at integrating the results of biochemical and genetic testing into sustained clinical improvement for you. She has succeeded with patients who confounded the specialists at Massachusetts General Hospital, the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, Stanford, and many well-known integrative medical doctors. When recommending her, her patients say, “This is the woman you need to talk to. She really knows how to handle tough clinical problems.”

With deep and compassionate interest, Dr. Mullan relates to her patients with a candid and down-to-earth demeanor. She and Dr. Yasko have an impressive track record for getting you to the other side of very frightening and intractable illnesses. Both doctors are tremendously invested in clinical innovation and finding what it is that will get patients well. Her specialty areas are MTHFR+, Methylation Genetics, and genetics-based nutritional supplementation. Within this context, she most often works with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Psychiatric Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Women’s Health Issues, Thyroid Disorder, Gastrointestinal Disorder, and Heavy Metal Toxicity.

Nancy Mullan, MD
2829 Burbank Blvd., Suite 202
Burbank, CA 91505

Telephone/Fax: (818) 954-9267
Email: NancyMullanMD@aol.com


Additional Websites:

International Guide to the World of Alternative Mental Health
Safe Harbor’s International Advisory Board:



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